Jones, Frank E.

Birth: February 18, 1863

Death: March 15, 1915

Location: Lot 98, Section 6, Row 8, Old Cemetery – NE

TGrand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent
Friday, 23 April 1915, page 12
“Country Correspondence – Wood River”
This community was saddened Thursday by the death of Franklin Jones at his home northest of town. He was a man such as the community honored and respected and his death brings sadness into many home. His sickness was of short duration and when the call came he was ready. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon, the services being held at the home, conducted by Rev. Wagner of the M. E. church and the remains interred in the Wood River cemetery. The pall bearers were Frank Schooley, Albert Sensenney, Lloyd Howe, Clyde Penwell, Henry Littleton and Oscar Hileman. Mr. Jones was 52 years, 1 month and 27 days old. Beside his wife he leaves three daughters, one son preceded him. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their hour of affliction. 

The stone appears to have the wrong month of death. On Ancestry, a family member has the month of death as April which matches the death notice below:
Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent
Saturday, 17 April 1915, page 6

News has been received in this city of the death of Frank Jones, a farmer residing northeast of Wood River, his demise being caused by inflamatory rheumatism, from which he had been suffering for some time, complications setting in. He was about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and three children.

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