Williams, Percy W.

Birth: June 26, 1901

Death: August 6,1906

Location: Lot 162, Section 8, Row 12, Old Cemetery – SE

Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent Tuesday, 14 August 1906, page 3

“In Town and Township – Wood River”
The death of the little five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams which occurred at the home northeast of Wood River Monday was one of the saddest events that the writer has had occasion to chronicle for some time. The little fellow was injured one day last week by cutting his foot on a piece of glass, and something similar to blood poisoning set in. After a consultation Drs. McGrath of Grand Island and Rowe of this place, an operation was performed, but after all possible had been done to alleviate his sufferings, the brave little fellow passed away. The funeral was held Tuesday in the Methodist church by Rev. Irwin and the remains laid to rest in the Wood River cemetery.

Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent Friday, 10 August 1906, page 3

“In Town and Township – JACKSON”
The five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams died Sunday night after several days of intense suffering from the effects of blood poisoning. The funeral was held Tuesday from the Methodist church in the Wood River cemetery conducted by Rev. Irwin. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of the entire community.

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