Carl, Rosco L.

Birth: December 2, 1900

Death: July 25, 1910

Location: Lot 110, Section 8, Outside the Old Cemetery

The Free Press, published in Grand Island, Nebraska
Friday, 29 July 1910, page 1

During the electric storm Monday evening, the ten year old son of Mrs. Margaret L. Carl was struck by lighting and instantly killed. While there were no witnesses to the tragedy and Coroner O’Gorman was called to investigate the death, he decided that no inquest was necessary. Roscoe Carl started to the home of a neighbor, some half mile distant to accompany his sister, two years his senior on her return home when he was killed. The little sister, returning along the road, was the first to see the lifeless form of the brother and it is thought to have been about fifteen minutes after the stroke of lightning killed the boy that his body was discovered.

Roscoe Carl was the youngest of a family of eight children, all residing in this city. His father, John Carl, resides at Kearney and was notified of the death of his son. The remains were taken to Wood River for burial in the family burying ground.

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