Christiansen, Karoline

Birth: 1858

Death: 1935

Location: Lot 168. Section 2, Outside the Old Cemetery

Grand Island Daily independent Tuesday 10 Oct 1922


Karoline Krull Christensen (sic) was born at Lowland, Denmark, Oct. 31, 1858. In 1889 she came to America and was married to Egbert Christensen Aug. 6, 1890 and settled on a farm near Wood River, where they resided until three years ago when they moved to Alda where she passed away on October 8th at the age of 63 years, 11 months and 8 days, after an illness of several months.

No children were born to this union. However, an orphan nephew, John Krull, who now resides in Grand Island, was given a home for a few years. Mrs. Christensen has ever been a faithful Christian, uniting with the Lutheran church in the homeland and has always been ready and eager to speak a word for her Master. While not being always able to see the sick she always remembered them with her flowers, of which she had an abundance.

The deceased was a devoted wife, a kind neighbor, and leaves hosts of friends that wish to express their sympathy to the bereaved husband.

The funeral services will be conducted from the home in Alda on Tuesday at 2 P. M. October 10, Rev. Allen Jay officiating.

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