Dibbern, Joachim

Birth: March 19, 1839

Death: March 24, 1913

Location: Lot 18, Section 1, Outside the Old Cemetery

Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent
Wednesday, 26 March 1913, page 1

Joachim Dibbern, a resident of Hall county for 43 years, passed away suddenly Monday evening at 5:30. About 2 o’clock in the afternoon he was taken with a stroke of paralysis from which he did not revive. Mr. Dibbern and his son, August, with whom he lives on the old homestead six miles southeast of Wood River, were building some pig pens and on running short of lumber the old gentleman drove to Wood River to get some. While on the road he either fell from the wagon or felt that he was getting sick and climbed off. He was found lying unconscious beside the wagon with the reins still in his hand. He was taken to Wood River at once, but the aid of physicians was of no avail.

Mr. Dibbern was born in Germany and lived to be 74 years and five days old. He came to this country when a young man. He homesteaded the place upon which he had lived for all these years and was the head of a family of thirteen children, all of whom are still living except one. Mrs. Dibbern departed from this earth a year ago last June, and since that time the father has lived more of a retired life. He was a man who attended strictly to his own affairs, having a large family of children, his time was occupied almost entirely in providing for their welfare. The children living are Mrs. John Herman, Henry Dibbern, Mrs. Louis Schmidt, Peter and Hans Dibbern, Mrs. Peter Herman, Mrs. John Schlieker, Ernest and Otto Dibbern, Mrs. Emma Runge and August Dibbern.

The funeral will take place next Friday noon at 12 o’clock from the house and interment will be made at Wood River cemetery.

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