Ford, Malissa J. “Lizzie”

Birth: July 14, 1871

Death: April 6, 1908

Location: Lot 43, Section 4, Outside the Old Cemetery

No Gravestone

Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent
Wednesday, 8 April 1908, page 6
Funeral of Mrs. Ford.
Wood River, April 8. – The funeral of the late Mrs. Frank Ford took place from the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon and the remains were interred in the Wood River cemetery. The deceased leaves a husband and three children, the youngest of whom was but a few days old. The death is one of the saddest that ever occurred in the town for all children are very young. Rev. J. C. Irwin conducted the funeral services.

Wood River, published in Wood River, Nebraska
Thursday, 9 April 1908, page 1

Mrs. Frank Ford died at her home in Wood River Monday morning, April 6th at eleven o’clock after a short illness, and her death is one of the saddest that has occurred here for some time. She leaves a husband and family of three little girls, the youngest of whom is a bright baby girl, who came into this world only a few days before the soul of the mother took flight. Mrs. Ford was born in Wirt county, West Virginia, on July 14, 1871, and was thirty-six years, eight months and twenty-two days of age at the time of her death. She moved with her mother from her birthplace to Kansas in 1888 and later moved to Hall county in 1890. She was united in marriage to Frank Ford in 1897 [sic] and to this union three children were born. She also leaves three brothers and one sister, Lewis Stup being the only brother residing in this community. Mrs. Ford was a woman whose life was giving to the affairs of the home and her family. She did not take much part in the public affairs of the community, preferring instead to care for the wants of her loved ones instead. She was of a quiet, unassuming disposition. The home is saddened today being bereft of a wife and mother, and those who mourn have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.

The funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. J. C. Irwin of the Presbyterian church, and the remains were laid to rest in the Wood River cemetery. The pall bearers were John Jewett, George Madsen, A. H. Blass, J. C. Burkerd, William Coomes and T. A. Evans.
Note: The 1894 marriage record of her brother, Lewis Stup, shows their parents as George Stup and Emma Wright.
Her 1898 marriage record does not show her parents. It reads:

FORD, Frank, age 36, born Indiana, residing Wood River, 
son of Frank Ford Sr. and Drucella? Williams
Married June 29, 1898 in Hall County, Nebraska
STUPE, Lizzie, age 27, born West Virginia, residing Wood River
Witnesses: John Stupe and Rosie Stupe

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