Hauke, Arthur Edsell

Birth: August 22, 1868

Death: May 22, 1966

Location: Lot 108, Section 8, Row 8, Old Cemetery – SE

For the past 54 years Arthur Edsell Hauke has lived in Nebraska where he has been a leader in the business and agricultural world. He was born in Clinton County, Iowa, August 22, 1868, the son of Samuel Wesley and Hannah (Livingston) Hauke, the former a clergyman, teacher, and farmer. Samuel Hauke, who was a descendent of Countess Van Hauke of Holland, was born in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, December 1, 1844, came to Nebraska from Iowa in 1878, and died at Wood River, Nebraska, December 16, 1881.

Hannah (Livingston) Hauke, whose father was a descendant of David Livingston, the African explorer, was born in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, November 26, 1847.

Mr. Hauke attended rural and city schools in Hall County. He has been a farmer near Wood River for many years, serving as president of the Hall County Farm Bureau, president of the Wood River Chautauqua Association, and a director in the Wood River Building & Loan Association, is president of the local chapter of the Nebraska Children’s Home Society in Wood River, and is serving as president of the Wood River Chamber of Commerce.

He served as director of the local school board from 1902 to 1920, is a member of the Red Cross and The Nebraskana Society, and is affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. During the World War he served as member of the Council of Defense, was assistant chairman of the Red Cross Committee, and participated in loan drives of various kinds. He is a Mason and Odd Fellow.

Mr. Hauke is a profound student and reader. He has held various public offices at Wood River, including: justice of the peace; township treasurer; assessor. His favorite, sport is football.

He was married at Wood River, February 17, 1891, to Sadie Hannah Barrick who was born at Wood River, November 27, 1872. Six children were born to their marriage, four of whom are living: Myrtle, December 19, 1891, who married Donald L. Garrison; Lena, August 12, 1893; Lavern, January 9, 1896, who married Irene Blanchard, and who died May 17, 1926; Anna, February 7, 1899, who married Lex A. Wescott; Ralph,, born May. 26, 1901, who died January 3, 1902; and Arthur, December 12, 1902. Lena is district extension agent at the College of Agriculture at Fallon, Nevada, and Arthur is connected with the Rural Economics Department of the Michigan College of Agriculture. Residence: Wood River.

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