Heatherington, John H.

Birth: September 12, 1846

Death: February 24, 1907

Location: Lot 58, Section 7, Outside the Old Cemetery

Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent Saturday, 2 March 1907, page 6

“In Town and Township – WOOD RIVER”
J. H. Heatherington was working at his trade, that of a tinner, in the opera house last Saturday noon (and) he was taken suddenly ill and started downstairs, evidently with the purpose of going home. He had nearly reached the foot of the stairs when he suffered a stroke of apoplexy and was unconscious from the time until his death at half past eight o’clock Sunday night. The funeral was held at the Methodist church, and was quite largely attended, a number of the friends of the family from Shelton and other points being in attendance.
(and further down in the same column)
John H. Heatherington was born in Ohio in 1848. When six years of age he came with his parents to Iowa and there grew up to manhood. He enlisted in the Army of the North at the time of the Rebellion and during the war served his country valiantly and faithfully. When mustered out he returned to Iowa. In 1871 he was married, his wife alone surviving him, no children having been born to them. In 1872 he moved to Kearney county, Nebraska, and after five years spent there moved to Shelton where he engaged in the general merchandise business. In 1900 he went south and spent five years in Indiana, Indian Territory and Arkansas. Returning to Nebraska two years ago, he came to Wood River which has since been his home.

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