Henderson, Newton W.

Birth: December 5, 1866

Death: October 19, 1909

Location: Lot 70, Section 2, Row 5, Old Cemetery – NW

Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent
Wednesday, October 27, 1909, page 3
“In Town and Township – WOOD RIVER”
This community was called to mourn the loss of one of the esteemed citizens, N. W. Henderson who died at the Springs in Missouri [sic] Oct. 20, where he had gone to seek relief from a complication of diseases from which he had suffered for some time. The funeral was held Friday from the Presbyterian church in Wood River, interment being made in the Wood River cemetery. He was a member of the A.O.U.W. lodge. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his death besides a host of friends who sympathize with the family in their hour of sad bereavement. 

Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent
Wednesday, 27 October 1909, page 3
“In Town and Township – WOOD RIVER”
The funeral of Newton Henderson who died at Sulphur Springs, Ark. was held at the Presbyterian church here last Friday with the A. O. U. W. lodge in charge of the services after which the interment took place in the Wood River cemetery.

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