Mitchell, Elizabeth E.

Birth: 1824

Death: 1915

Location: Lot 36, Section 1, Row 3, Old Cemetery – NW

Wood River, published in Wood River, Nebraska
Friday, 3 December 1915, page 1

One of Wood River’s finest old ladies, Elizabeth Mitchell, familiarly known to all as Grandma Mitchell, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Babel north of Wood River, Nov. 27 after an extended illness incident to old age, aged 90 years, 11 months and 2 days. Funeral services were held Tuesday at eleven o’clock from the Methodist church conducted by Rev. H. W. Wagner of Clarks, Nebr., a former Wood River pastor, and interment took place in the Wood River cemetery. . .

Elizabeth E. Crumbaker was born December 25, 1824 in Londen (sic) Co., Va., and with her parents came to Muskingum Co., Ohio, in 1829 where she grew to womanhood. In 1845 she was married to Adam Mitchell who preceded her in death many years ago, dying in 18…. To them eight children were born, four sons and four daughters, all of whom are yet living. W. W. Michell, a son, and wife, Mrs. Oscar Allan, a granddaughter, all of Omaha; T. O. MItchell, a son, of Whitewood, S. D.; and Chas. Mitchell, a grandson, and wife, of Lexington, attended the funeral. Since the year 1889 Grandma Mitchell made her home most of the time in this vicinity living with her son, W. W. Mitchell, and her daughter, Mrs. Fred Babel. When but a girl of fourteen she united with the Methodist Episcopal church and ever lived a faithful and consistent christian. . . She was one of the finest old ladies of this community and her memory will ever be cherished.

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