Birth: June 20, 1899
Death: April 20, 1919
Location: Lot 83, Section 2, Outside the Old Cemetery

This transcription edited for length:
Wood River: Wood River, Nebraska
Friday, 25 April 1919, page 1
After an illness of over a year from a complication of diseases, Eber F. Paulk, one of Wood River’s prominent and esteemed farmers, passed away Easter Sunday at his home northeast of Wood River, age 69 years and 10 months. The wife and all the children were present at the time of dissolution. Funeral services were held Wednesday from the Methodist church at 3:30 p.m., the casket being open at the home from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The funeral was in charge of the Masonic lodge, of which the deceased was an honored member. . . Eber F. Paulk was born in Coolville, Ohio, June 20, 1849 where he spent his boyhood. In early manhood he moved to Parkersburg, West Va., where he was united in marriage to Miss Lucy A. Diff, October 30th, 1879, and of this union nine children were born, six of whom survive together with the wife, as follows: Clifford C. Paulk, Pleasanton, Neb., Mrs. Samuel Marsh, Grand Island, Mrs. Emmett Marsh, Doniphan, and Mrs. Howard Garrison, Jerome Paulk and Miss Mamie Paulk, all of Wood River. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Fraser of Wood River and Mrs. T. W. Dunfee of Faxon, Okla. Mr. Paulk came to Wood River in 1887 buying a farm north of Wood River upon which he resided for sixteen years when he purchased the fine farm and home two miles northeast of town where he resided until his demise, devoting himself to farming and stock raising.. . .