Powell, Martha A.

Birth: March 9, 1826

Death: July 19, 1919

Location: Lot 144, Section 3, Row 11, Old Cemetery – NE

Grand Island (Nebraska) Daily Independent Tuesday, 22 July 1919

Death of Mrs. Powell

Mrs. Martha A. Powell passed away about midnight last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nick Bondon, 1104 West Second street, after a severe illness at the age of 92 years. For the past several days her condition has been critical.

Mrs. Powell, nee Miss Martha Loveland, was born in Farmington, Trumball county, O., on March 9, 1927. In 1853 he was united in marriage to Mr. Daniel Powell. Mr. Powell crossed the plains during the days of the gold excitement in California twice, one time making the trip by water and crossing the Isthmus of Panama. They came to Nebraska in the winter of 1868. On July 11, 1884 (sic), Mr. Powell passed away at the age of 48 years. Mrs. Powell made her home until the last three years in Alda, Neb., where she was dearly beloved by all because of her kindly and sweet manner. She was a communicant of the First Methodist church, an active worker and a Sunday school teacher. Her record in the recent Red Cross work was marvelous considering her advanced years. She had always enjoyed perfect health until her last illness. May it be said of her, “Her work was well done.”

She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Bonson of this city and Mrs. Riesland of Wood River, as also thirteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Three children, as also the husband, preceded her in death. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock from the First Methodist church at Alda. Burial will take place in the family lot in the Wood River cemetery.

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