Birth: April 29, 1870
Death: November 20, 1935
Location: Lot 90, Section 3, Outside the Old Cemetery

Wood River Sunbeam, Thursday, November 28, 1935.
W. H. (Pike) Bridger, brother of J.E. Bridger, passed away at his home in Lincoln NE on Wednesday, November 20, 1935.
W.H. Bridger was born in England in 1871, being 64 years of age at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife and six children – four sons and two daughters, also two sisters and three brothers, 17 grandchildren. One daughter preceded him in death. Funeral services were held at Lincoln Sunday morning November 24. Interment was in Wood River Cemetery at 1:30 PM.
Those who accompanied the body to Wood River were his wife, Alice and daughter, Lola; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bridger and family; Mr. & Mrs. Roy Bridger and family; Mr. & Mrs. James Bridger and family; Mr. & Mrs. Harley Bridger and family; Mr. & Mrs. Henry Spohn and family; Mr. & Mrs. John White Sr; Mr. & Mrs. John White Jr; Mr. & Mrs. Walter White and family; Mr. & Mrs. Jay White and family; several other relatives and friends.